Average Handling Time: Page 5
Posted March 19, 2015 at 04:00 am

This page is by Rachel Dukes • Mixtape Comics • Tumblr • Twitter •

and Ryan Estrada • ryanestrada.com • Tumblr • Twitter •

We're off to a great start! Broken Telephone made the FRONT PAGE of Comixology this week! Superman didn't even make the front page this week! They even gave us a beautiful review. I reread Broken Telephone in Guided View on my phone, and while I'm usually not into reading a panel at a time, I was noticing awesome art details I'd never seen. My artists really went above and beyond.

 My favorite bit from that review:

"This story would be a sinister drama if told from any one perspective, but when told from EVERY perspective it becomes a fascinating comitragedy of errors. Like the (I assume eponymous) game of telephone, important information gets lost every time the characters try to communicate, and watching the consequences of those missing pieces play out is super entertaining." -Molly Brooks, Comixology

There's so much craziness still to come! Here's a tiny, tiny look at the future- WARNING there are spoilers, but only if you bust out a magnifying glass!


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