Hard News: Page 15
Posted December 7, 2015 at 06:00 am

Written and Illustrated by Ryan Estrada

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That's a wrap on Hard News, and a wrap for Rick Rogers! And wow, I did not anticipate how much sympathy you all would have for Rick! I kept thinking "but he's such a jerk!" but then remembered that he was a jerk in comics that either came out over a decade ago and have since been retired, or comics that were scripted but never produced.

I, for one, had fun making him suffer.

Here's Rick Rogers as he appeared over 10 years, 3 books and 5 artists.


Tune in tomorrow for the start of Ancillary Orders, illustrated by Tauhid Bondia! We'll be checking back in with Aru, the prison guard!

You can binge-read Broken Telephone from beginning to end at The HivemillSellfy, or Comixology.

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